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The Monthly Meetup is Generously Supported by the
Parkinson's Association of West Michigan

An Opportunity for Past Parkinson's Mindfulness Students
to meditate and support one another
Led by Barbara Pickut, M.D. & Carol Hendershot

Thursday, May 9, from 9:30 - 11:00

Register Below to Receive Your Zoom Link
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Monthly Mindful Meetup for People with Parkinson's and Care Partners

The stress of living with Parkinson’s Disease can be physically and emotionally demanding. The practices of mindfulness & self-compassion can support us in our most demanding moments. Cultivating mindful attention and self-compassion will deepen your ability to be present, help you manage challenging experiences, and create space for wise choices in all areas of your life.

Parkinson's disease and cargiving mindfulness practices to decrease stress

Mindfulness is paying attention to our present moment experience with acceptance and curiosity.

Self-compassion is meeting ourselves with kindness.

Join us for this Monthly Meeting where we can: 

  • Learn more about Mindfulness and Self-Compassion
  • Explore ways to integrate these powerful tools into our lives
  • Find new ways to cultivate positive emotions 
  • Support one another
  • Practice together in:
    • Sitting meditation
    • Mindful Yoga 
    • Supportive touch & self-compassion

Cultivating mindful attention and self-compassion will deepen your ability to be present, help you manage challenging experiences, and create space for wise choices in all areas of your life.

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“I would recommend the class to others as a way to better deal with stresses in life and to learn/allow compassion for yourself and others.”

Rick G., Parkinson's Patient

“The environment in the Mindfulness Class was inclusive, inviting and safe. I would recommend the class to others; I learned so many excellent techniques. Wonderful class!”

Kathryn G., Caregiver

Barbara-Pickut Parkinsons
Dr. Barbara A. Pickut, MD, MPH, RYT 200

Neurologist – MSU Health Care,
Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Instructor

Barbara is an Associate Professor of Neurology at Michigan State University, serving people with movement and memory challenges. She is a certified instructor in MBSR from the Center for Mindfulness at UMass Medical School and a certified Yoga instructor. She has been working with people with PD and mindfulness training since 2006.

Carol Bio Pic
Carol Hendershot, E-RYT 500

Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Instructor,
Co-Founder – GR Center for Mindfulness

Carol has been teaching the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course since 2008 and yoga since 2001 and has led hundreds of students through the program. She has completed extensive training through The Center for Mindfulness at the UMass Medical School, UCSD Center for Mindfulness, and the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion.

Research on Mindfulness and Parkinson's Disease

In 2013, Dr. Barbara Pickut was the lead author of a study published in Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, Mindfulness based intervention in Parkinson’s disease leads to structural brain changes on MRI: A randomized controlled longitudinal trial. The study found an increase in gray matter density in the neural networks presumed to be associated with PD after an 8-week mindfulness-based intervention. 

In a study on stress management and Parkinson's Disease published in 2021, those who practiced mindfulness noticed beneficial effects on both motor and non-motor symptoms, with 60.2% noticing improvement in depression and 64.7% noticing improvement in anxiety. Practicing mindfulness more often was associated with greater perceived improvement in symptoms.  

Check back for our next 8-week program Date To Be Announced

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